A classic children’s adventure and fantasy tale, unfolding the adventures of a brother and sister as they discover a secret civilisation buried beneath the streets of London. It is a complete departure from anything he had done before. The Horn of Mortal Danger was published by Walter Books, but is currently out of print.
Excerpt from Ham & High‘s article on Lawrence Leonard at the time the book was published:
The publication day of an author’s first book is always an exciting, anxious and somewhat nervous occasion. The expectancy is even greater if, like conductor Lawrence Leonard, you have waited until well into middle age to rush into print and you have made an enormous success in another career. It could have been an autobiography. At 57 Leonard has reached the right age to embark on one and he has led a full and varied life. It could have been a book about music — he has been a professional musician for 40 years.
It is however a boys’ adventure yarn, action-packed and full of steam locomotives, battle scenes and espionage -Buchan spiced with a bit of Dornford Yates.